The Law of Assumption is a Universal Law that states what you assume or believe will come true and come to pass. I know what you might be thinking. You have assumed things about yourself, places, or others all day every day but most of the time it is not true.

Ask yourself this, have those assumptions you made coming from your higher mind or a negative state of mind? Well, let me tell you that low energies are illusions and have no power to create good things for you or anyone else. Real creative power comes from the higher-ups, so use your God-given power to assume your life on purpose.

What the Law of Assumption States

The Law of Assumption is a principle that states that you can have anything you want by assuming you already have it. This is where acting as if can come into play. Just look at your favorite actors or actresses, you are convinced they are the personality they are portraying. They are a great example of being in an altered state of consciousness. Watching them play the role can make you cry, laugh or be on the edge of your seat. You are so involved you can feel the realness of the experience, only after it is done you remind yourself it was just a movie. Do you see how shows or movies evoke all kinds of emotions in you? Some people I know even told me they started seeing things in their waking life after watching a scary movie. Who can really tell them they’re wrong, they believe it to be true so they see it.

Your beliefs harden things to be true for you. Nothing can exist to you outside your own consciousness. Only you can control what you let in your knowing. No circumstances can exist without you assuming they do.

Assume your wish fulfilled.

-Neville Goddard

How the Law of Assumption Works

As you may realize by now, there is so much to learn about any subject. All the different techniques you hear about can be really overwhelming. Your subconscious beliefs are what is driving the show and manifesting the things that are currently showing up in your reality or in the 3D realm.

If you want to change your life and manifest new and better things, people, and places to experience it, you need to reprogram your mind by imprinting new beliefs in your subconscious. This all comes down to your assumptions.

Is The Law of Assumption the same as The Law of Attraction?

Even though some of the principles are similar, they are not the same thing. The difference is the way you get what you desire. The Law of Attraction relies solely on bring bringing your thoughts and emotions into alignment. You would need to adjust your vibration to be on the same frequency wavelength as your desire to attract it to you. The subtle difference is with the Law of Assumption you just change your assumption. It feels like a clear knowing that what you want is already yours because the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. When your subconscious mind has accepted what you imprinted as true then the Law of Attraction is put to work to bring what you desire into form. This is Law!

Putting The Law of Assumption into Action

How can you actually put The Law of Assumption into practice? Start by identifying and getting specific about what you want to manifest or create. If you want to manifest money, love, good health, your dream car, or vacation all you need to do is assume you already have it. You can use visualize its existence and believe it’s done. Your belief can really help you rid lack consciousness. Feel the realness of your desires. After your visualization process create affirmations that support what you saw to be true. Affirm it is done every day until you feel a shift in your frequency. This is the sign that you have successfully made an imprint into the subconscious mind. After all, repetition is the mother of all skills!

Your assumptions can harden into fact. As you can see everything about your life is made up of your assumptions and yours alone. You make so many decisions based on your assumptions, if you prove yourself right, you believe it to be true and assume some more. So just as you created those, you can consciously change what you assume or believe at any time, which in turn can change your entire life.