Go easy on yourself, you don’t have to have all the answers right away. There are moments in life when everything is easy, where it feels as though nothing could stop you, but life rarely stays easy. But, at no point in your life, you will have all the answers. I have more bad news for you – it doesn’t matter what social status you achieve or what position you advance your career to, you will never have all the answers. The good news is you don’t need them, at least – you don’t need them all at once.

Trust Your Life It Will Deliver In Divine Order

As you live life, more of your path will be revealed. They will appear when you need them to, as long as you remain open-minded and ready to hear the answers as they come.

One of the biggest lessons you can learn in life is that you aren’t alone, nobody has all the answers, and absolutely nobody on this planet knows what they’re doing, not really anyway. It’s all a guessing game. The more I learn the more I realize I don’t know. Moments when you think you know what you’re doing, it’s temporary.

The world is full of unknowns and everything can change in an instant. The Universal Law The Law of Change makes sure of that, which states everything changes except the Universal Laws. There are so many different events and situations that can come your way, it’s impossible to know how you will react to every single one. It’s even more impossible to know what to do when the time comes. There are moments when life will serve events that propel you forward. Likewise, there are moments that will drag you backward. Life can throw a lot at you at once and it can pull you in an endless number of directions. It’s almost impossible to know where you will end up, and sometimes it’s hard to even predict where you are heading right now.

Even if you were to get a psychic reading it’s still all probable future outcomes based on your present energy signature. This is why personal and spiritual development can help you navigate life. Truly knowing yourself, like what drains your energy and what gives you energy. Knowing your triggers and working on them is really important. When situations arise it can help you do the best you can to handle them.

This might be frustrating to know, but it’s just part of life’s journey and the human condition. You don’t need all the answers and you don’t need to know everything. Let your higher self hold that space of what you need to know right now for you. If you did know everything, you wouldn’t get to enjoy the rollercoaster of life. You wouldn’t feel butterflies before you walked into an interview or anticipation on a first date. You wouldn’t be taken aback by the laughter in response to an off-the-cuff joke or share in the joy that comes with celebratory news.

Life would be boring, it would be methodical. It would feel like a steady line, with no ups to celebrate or downs to commiserate. You wouldn’t have the upsetting moments that mold you through tears or the joys that build your confidence and make you laugh.

Make A Life That’s All Your Own

When you carve out the life you want to claim, it will be with high points and low points. No one consciously has a blueprint for life, nobody has a map to follow. You shouldn’t know when the low points are on their way, just like you don’t know when the good things will start and end. You don’t know when you will fall in love or who with. There isn’t a cheat sheet with all the answers on how to play the game of life. The answers come when you need them most, and there is nothing you can do to speed things up.

Everything is temporary – the low points pass just like the high points do. The feeling you get after you achieve a promotion doesn’t linger and neither does the feeling you get after missing out. You just have to roll with the punches.

You’re on a journey and no two people are on the same path, because you are a path. Embrace that, you cannot find yourself following another’s path because their path is only revealed to them. This is what life is and you will learn and discover as you go. With every life phase more and more of you will be uncovered for you to explore. Also, more of you will be revealed in Divine Order and in Divine Timing. But for right now, you are exactly what you are supposed to be and you are exactly who you need to be right now. This is beautiful and it’s something you should embrace. Yes, life is confusing, it’s challenging and heartbreaking and breathtaking – it is supposed to be, you just have to take it all in!