Our ultimate life goal should be to live happily ever after by only doing what makes us happy.

Since we are not here on this Earth plane forever, we should look at Earth as a vacation spot for souls. So why even entertain anything unwanted at any given time? I believe when faced with a decision if the answer is not “hell yes” then it’s “hell no”. If you have to second guess yourself that is a clear indicator that option is not aligned with your soul. We have been doing so many things we don’t enjoy doing because we believe in a means to an end.

We have made a simple concept of being happy not so simple. We have butchered it to the ground and placed so many labels on it making it heavy/dense that it’s so hard to attain any level of it.

What Is Happiness Anyway?

It is said you are happy when your material, physical, and emotional needs are fulfilled. But doing anything for material needs won’t make you happy for very long. You will feel more happy doing something you enjoy doing. You want to do things that bring forth a feeling of satisfaction, freedom, and flexibility, and encourage your creative energy. Something that will allow you to birth a vision for your future. You want to be doing something where you’re excited to live your life and look forward to your future.

Hint: Your Soul has the blueprint to your path of happiness if you want to live your best life!

Happiness Is Your Natural State Of Being

When you know your true self you lack nothing. You know you breathe the essence of God’s life force energy in you. When in this state you know you are one with all that is, you know you are enough, so you lack nothing. There is nothing to do, be, learn, or get because you know you are whole and complete.

We are the ones who put layers of curtains over our eyes, enabling us not to see who we really are anymore. The blocks or walls we build around ourselves make the space get so dark we start to look for a way out outside ourselves. Fully forgetting who or what we are and not realizing that the power was within us the entire time.

Tips To Help You Start Unlocking You!

  • Stop focusing on things unwanted, why would you even want to engage with things you don’t like? You will attract more of whatever you give your attention to.
  • Start to see the world with the eyes of source, and look for God in everything because source is in everything. The all is one, and the one is all.
  • Start living with the energy of appreciation, so you can attract all the good things that are aligned with you, you can live happily ever after.
  • Lastly, remember you are already in perfect wholeness and completeness. All of God’s creation is perfect, so stop trying to find reasons why you’re not.