Everything is energy, with different levels of vibrations and frequencies. From your everyday life to how you think and feel, what you eat and drink, the people you engage with, or the pets you love. The Law of Attraction states what is like itself is drawn, high vibrations attract more high vibrations, and low vibrations attract more low vibrations. When you are in a high vibrational state, you feel happy, light, and flowy, you also have a strong feeling everything is working out. This is a clear indicator you are in alignment with the universe. Rest in knowing being on this wavelength that things in your life are going as they should go. I know you may be thinking, what if you are out of alignment? Here are signs you are not in alignment so you can better align with what you want.

You don’t feel Gratitude for what you already have in your life

A great first step in controlled manifesting is gratitude. I am sure you can find so many blessings you have in your life, no matter who you are. Every day find ways you can express thankfulness.

A lot of Negative Thoughts

Are you experiencing a lot of negative thoughts and feelings? start being conscious about these things so you can journal and shift them. Ranting or venting is a sure way to lower your vibration.

Going from one problem to the next

Do bad things keep happening to you? Are you feeling unlucky and no matter what you do or try things don’t seem to go your way? Guess what, you are the reason these things keep happening to you. Remember like attracts like. If you want to be or stay in alignment only focus on what you want out of life overall.

Don’t know your Purpose

Are you feeling lost or confused about your purpose? When you feel like this you lower your vibrational levels. You then feel closed and unsure about what direction you want to go next. It’s time that you do some self-reflection.

Here is what you can do about your misalignment

You need to balance the way you think and feel, what you desire, and the action you take so the universe knows what you are trying to attract.

Live As If or Act As If

Shift to the parallel version of yourself that is already living the life you want to experience. If you wanted more finances, for example, think and feel how you would be living if you had all the money you’ve ever wanted. What does your daily life look like? How is it different? Where would you be going to eat or shop? How would you spend your time?

Always Express Gratitude and Appreciation

Thank God for always supporting you and allowing all your basic needs to be met in divine order and divine timing. Thank God for always bringing you experiences for you to enjoy. Etc.

Live in the Moment

Really engage with mindfulness. It’s really important to enjoy your life right now not later. This is a great way to raise your vibration and align with the best side of the universe possible.