A limiting belief is what you make up to keep you from what you want. For example, think about your dream house, car, or vacation, now what limiting beliefs come up about you manifesting this dream? Maybe the cost, how long it will take, or is this even logical for you to attain? Those are what limiting beliefs are like.

You use words like “I Can’t”

To identify your limiting beliefs watch the words you use. If you use the words ” I can’t” you are telling the universe to put an end to that desire, you now close the door and put an end to all possibilities. This will kill your creative confidence. Instead, say “I Can” and find reasons why you can if you need some convincing as you build your creator’s confidence.

Saying “I Don’t”

Be honest, how many times can you count yourself saying “I Don’t”? Yes, count your thoughts too. Do you tell yourself that you don’t do enough, don’t work hard enough, don’t do this or that thing enough? okay, I think you get the point. How does this feeling of lack and negative energy really feel to you? Speaking like this will surely keep your manifestations away. You are reflecting your negative beliefs to the universe to create more things you don’t want.

Saying “I Shouldn’t”

Saying “I shouldn’t is the ultimate way to put all those doubts in your head. This limiting belief shows you are not able to make decisions confidently. You question the path you are about to embark on. You are unsure if it will be good for you or not. Avoid this negative belief as best as you can, and trust your inner guidance system to show you the way.

Saying “I’m Not”

Another way to put more doubts in your mind. This can feel like an overshadowing limiting belief that will get in the way of what you are manifesting. Use the words “I Am”, in positive statements and make “I am” a part of your vocabulary. Using “I Am” is a great way to help you embody what you want so you can align with your desires.

Saying “I Want”

Lastly saying “I Want” is telling the universe that you are not going to achieve it. Wanting puts you in lack frequency. Start becoming consciously aware of the things you say, do, or think so you can catch your limiting beliefs. You can be a conscious creator and stop getting in your own way!